Monday, October 11, 2010

My 30 Day Primal Challenge Results

Well, I completed my 30 day Primal Challenge. Above you can see a picture of me 6 months ago, and a picture from today.

My goals for the 30 day challenge: Sleep longer, wake naturally, lift heavy things twice a week, moderate cardio 4-6 hrs/week, and not eat any sugar for 30 days.

My results were pretty good. I didn't sleep any longer or wake up naturally (I still need to work on that). This was really difficult because I work third shift at the hospital a couple of nights a week.
I did start lifting heavy things at least once a week and tried my best to do twice a week. I started running two miles x three days a week. I hardly ate any sugar during the month- except that I ate a TON of apple butter and biscuits last Saturday at our family apple butter making day at the farm. But it was sooo good!

So over the last 30 days I lost 7 pounds! Not bad! I'm pretty happy with that. My goal has been to lose at least 5 pounds a month- and I've definitely been losing at least that over the past 6 months. If I continue this way I'll meet my goal by Spring!

1 comment:

  1. Great Job! I just did the challenge myself. I know I will continue on for the long haul. The food is just too good and although there are some things I miss, I think feeling terrific is a definite side effect I'm willing to exchange for bread or other garbage that does not make me feel 100 percent.
